Spiral-bound edition. Did you know that C.F. Martin & Co. also makes great guitar kits? Yes, they do. Since the booklet that comes with a Martin kit isn't very good, this manual is recommended by C.F. Martin's own "Guitarbuilder Connection," at the factory in Nazareth, PA. It is the only book available devoted to the building of Martin-style acoustic kits. Updated and revised in 2017.
The author, Bill Cory, has built over twenty guitars, all from kits, and in this 168-page book, he describes in excellent detail, with over 500 photos, the building of the guitar shown on the back cover of the book. And if you would like to hear it, just go to the web link at the bottom of the back cover.
If you've ever wanted to build a guitar, but haven't done it yet, most professional luthiers say that a kit is the best way to start. Men and women all over the world have used this book to build their own Martin kits, and all have been gratified by the look and sound of their guitars.